
Worldcoin is building the world’s largest identity and financial network as a public utility.


Created: March 25, 2022

Members: 64790

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We aim to create universal access to the global economy regardless of country or background, accelerating the transition to an economic future that welcomes and benefits every person on the planet.

We believe in the inherent worth and equality of every individual, in the right to personal privacy, and in open and public collaboration.

Worldcoin is an open-source protocol, supported by a global community of developers, individuals, economists and technologists committed to expanding participation in, and access to, the global economy. The Worldcoin Foundation is the steward, and will support and grow the Worldcoin community until it becomes self-sufficient. Tools for Humanity helped launch Worldcoin, and currently serve as advisors to the Foundation and operators of the World App. Currently in beta, Worldcoin expects to launch in the first half of 2023.

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One thought on “Worldcoin”

  1. Roberto Polizzi Marchandvie Por qué tengo bono génesis por 25Worldcoin hace más de 8 meses y no me deja cambiarlos insisto más de de 100 veces y me da error insista de nuevo. YO ME PARECE UNA ESTAFA Y NO PIENSO SEGUIR INVITADO A MAS AMIGOS DE MI LISTA DE 5000 HASTA QUE SE SOLUCIONE ESTE PROBLEMA O ES UNA ESTAFA?
    [email protected]

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