wulf boy social club

The official WBSC Discord server.

wulf boy social club

Created: March 19, 2022

Members: 3207

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Wulf Boy Social Club (WBSC) started as an idea. This simple idea for a fun PFP shared between friends morphed into an NFT project, and has since grown into one of the most tight-knit communities in the entire space.

From day one, the goal of WBSC has been to give back to the pack. Many projects claim to be community-led and that the community is the utility, but WBSC lives and breathes it. It’s no accident that “Social Club” makes up 50% of our project name.

The foundation of any project is the community you cultivate. When asking people to invest their hard earned money, it is the project’s responsibility to invest in the community first. That means building trust, soliciting and listening to community feedback, having consistent and clear lines of communication, and delivering on your promises. We apply these values to every aspect of building this project.

To those who have read this far, thank you. We say it all the time — our community is our family. We aren’t a discord server, we’re a big group chat. Our founder is the most well known dudes in all of Web3 and our team is a group of businessmen and entrepreneurs who constantly engage with the community. It motivates us to hear people say they can come into our server whenever they’re feeling down, because they know the pack’s always got their backs. We live by this motto, and we look forward to continuing to build with all of you. Welcome to the club.


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