星際遊騎兵海灣 / Outrider’s Haven

這是我們分享對星際公民熱情的地方 / This is where we sharing our passion for Star Citizen

星際遊騎兵海灣 / Outrider's Haven

Created: May 17, 2021

Members: 2387

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This is a friendly community where we can freely share our passion for Star Citizen and video games in general. However, we do have a few rules in place:

1️⃣ 尊重是雙向的,大家一起努力。
Be civilized, be respectful。

2️⃣ 盡量不討論政治 & 宗教議題。
Avoid discussion of politics & religion。

3️⃣ 無論每個人背景,請善待他人。
Regardless of everyone’s background, please be kind to others。

4️⃣ 這是我們分享我們對遊戲熱情的地方,不是無建設性抱怨的地方。
This is not a salt-farm, be mindful of how you express your negativity。

5️⃣ 本社群不支持刻意鑽遊戲漏洞或是作弊的行為。
We do not support any form of exploits and cheats。

5/5 - (1 vote)


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