
This is a server I created for people to be able to share their art with others, network a bit, and more!


Created: August 20, 2023

Members: 2450

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Hi!!! if you’re somebody who is looking for a place to share their art with a larger group of people, whether it be to grow your base, make connections, or find some other people to work with, join us!!!

My name’s 2kDoplr, I’m a 3D animator on instagram with over 29,000 followers on Instagram! I struggled for a VERY long time to find people to connect to and ways to grow my audience, being stuck at about 600 followers from 2021 to mid 2023. I wanted to use my platform to help other people navigate this problem, because I understand what it feels like to not want to be a bother to somebody you want to connect with! We’ve all been there lol

I hope you enjoy yourself here!!! 🙂

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