Developer Recruiting Hub

Community of developers that are geared towards helping you find other devs to collaborate with.

Developer Recruiting Hub

Created: July 17, 2017

Members: 3102

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We are a community of developers that are geared towards helping you find each other for collaborations/hiring/selling etc. We have a wide variety of things to offer! We have verified and unverified developer roles, a general chat channel, many different help channels, and a developer marketplace where you can hire developers, offer your own developing services, and sell your assets. We have channels where you can advertise your games and other projects. We also host different types of events and giveaways! We welcome all kinds of devs, but the majority of our server are game developers, and most of them are from ROBLOX. Whether you make discord bots, 3D model, make music, build, make steam games, or do any other types of development, we want you!

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