Indian Medical Server

The Official Server for the field of medicine in India. [NOT FOR MEDICAL ADVICE]

Indian Medical Server

Created: May 24, 2020

Members: 4344

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IMS is a non-profit collaborative educational server on discord for field of medicine in India. This community is for undergraduate & postgraduate medical students and doctors, as well as medical aspirants in high school. We also welcome other allied professionals such as dentists, physiotherapists, nurses, pharmacists and many others!

IMS is a community where we study together through pomodoro, daily questions, weekly quizzes, clinical discussions and educational events. We also share study tips, recommend resources, and talk about our medical school experiences. Apart from that we also have fun sheet-posting, talk about our interests, share memes, and have game and movie nights!

It’s a place where you can connect with medical community from all across India and even abroad and make friends as you study and/or have fun.

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