Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

The official Discord server for PSO2 New Genesis. Play for FREE now on Xbox One, PS4, Windows 10, Steam, and Epic Games!

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Created: June 07, 2021

Members: 29020

Join Discord Server

The PSO2:NGS community is all about working together and creating your ultimate character. Our official Discord server is a great place to learn meet others, learn more about the game, classes and more. Our Discord server also allows the chance to deliver pheedback directly to our Dev Team and talk directly with our Community Team. There’s also sections dedicated to showing off your screenshots and phashion (including a chance to appear on the in-game screens) as well as your pets! Know that the Official PSO2:NGS Discord Server is the best part of the community to join as a newcomer ARKS defender!

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