Niki’s Webm Memes

Just chill dude, share some memes and chilllllll.

Niki's Webm Memes

Created: August 04, 2022

Members: 2553

Join Discord Server

This server is a small but humble community, looking to grow in numbers to help spread the joys of online friendships. The main quirk of our Discord channel is that we have a WEBM meme storage, consisting of the best WEBM/modified memes. If you didn’t know, WEBM memes are video and/or gif files which are manipulated, so that they distort some aspect of the video e.g. the aspect ratio, the length, the replayability etc.. But of course, that’s not the only thing we have in store, because we also have quite a few channels to hang out and chill, and some for specific niches.

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