Poppy Mains

This is a fan server for the league of legends champion, Poppy. We discuss how to play her as well as just hang out.

Poppy Mains

Created: February 13, 2017

Members: 1786

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We have several channels which draw in different types of users.
Some like to stick almost exclusively to the channels strictly about Poppy. Others just like to hang out or discuss things with other poppy players but not necessarily talking exclusively about her.

So we have a variety of channels to cater to these various usertypes. We have #Poppy-Discussion, where you’d go to talk only about her, her builds, her playstyle, her role, her paths and so on.
We have #League-Discussion, which is similar but is instead about league of legends and you can discuss any champion’s builds and such.
We have #Other-Games, which is even less focused in that it’s about any game. Played some old retro stuff nobody ever heard of? Played the newest thing? All valid there.

Our community is generally pretty friendly as well, which is nice.

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