Focused Learners

✨Dedicated to ever-so-busy students who need a little push now and then to start studying or stay productive. ✨

Focused Learners

Created: June 20, 2021

Members: 2057

Join Discord Server

You can clear your doubts here in doubt section
Can interact with other members in general
Can share your talent such as photography, creativity etc.
And can increase your productivity by joining vc’s ,forest sessions and taking part in challenges….
dedicated to ever-so-busy students who need a little push now and then to start studying or stay productive throughout the day.
Perceiving the server as more of a family than a community, we are always open for suggestions and ideas – building and growing together is what we’re after!
-We have a channel designed for planting trees with the forest focus app, where our studiers can host forest rooms and study together.
-Self-assignable roles and colors.
-Drop by anytime and chat, make some friends, or meet new people! Casual and free, we’re always open to discussions, voice chats, and memes
-Lofi, Hip-hop and more — working, studying or chilling in Discord has never been easier with fresh music from a curated Lofi music feed and radio.

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