Fallout: Sonora Wiki / ENG Translation

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Fallout: Sonora Wiki / ENG Translation

Created: April 07, 2020

Members: 2263

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Welcome to the Fallout: Sonora Wiki / ENG Translation Discord server!

Q: What is Fallout: Sonora?
A: Fallout: Sonora is a total conversion mod in the engine of Fallout 2, taking place in Arizona in 2167 — 6 years after Fallout 1. The mod saw its Russian release in 2020, community translation project being under way.

Q: What is this server?
A: This is a combined Dev & Community server. You can hang out in here and freely talk with the translators, waiting for the new info and screenshots in translation-teasers, discuss wiki edits, and talk about Fallout as a whole. And just have fun!

Q: When is the translation coming?
A: We do not have a set in stone ETC at the moment. As soon as we do have one, we will notify the community. So far, 2023-ish.

Q: I’m a native English speaker, how can I contribute?
A: Provided you don’t know Russian, you can wait for us to enter beta state. Then, we will sure need proof-readers, and people here on this server will most likely be the first ones to playtest the translation.

May the Sacred Brahmin guide your path, peasant.

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