MatchBox Supports

Official MatchBox Support Server.Best music bot in disocrd.We are trying to make more easy to useand New think.

MatchBox Supports

Created: August 28, 2023

Members: 40996

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MatchBox is the ultimate Discord music bot that brings the world of music to your server. Supports youtube, spotify, deezer and many more…

# MatchBox
To get started, join a voice channel and /play or ,p a song, Here some Commands of **MatchBox**!

• Mention **MatchBox** your `Guild/Server` for About More Info,

• **MatchBox Supports :** `Youtube, Apple Music, Deezer, Spotify & soundcloud`,

• **MatchBox Guild/Server Supports :** `Stage Channel, 24/7in vc, Slash Commands, Buttons

– Music [25]

`addprevious, back, clear, disconnect, fastforward, join, jump, loop, move, pause, play, playskip, playtop, queue, remove, removedupes, replay, rewind, search, seek, shuffle, skip, song, stop, unpause…`

– Admin [8]

`24h , prefix, setchannel, setvc, setdj, setdjonly, setup, togglemessage…`

# Prefix
– ,play or /play

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