
An exclusive shining community for everyone!


Created: February 09, 2021

Members: 1194

Join Discord Server

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We are a high quality growing chatting server from Finland. With hundreds of people from all over the world in voice and text channels to chill and vibe with. We also have awesome giveaways and events! However, to keep this server welcoming and fun for everyone, please make sure to view our server rules as well as our general etiquette.
We are the first servers on Discord to offer a unique in-server economy system in our custom bot where you can buy practical items, benefits and permissions with unique coins! Our developers bring new updates always so please try our bot!

We also have unique benefits for our lovely Server Boosters and yes, As for safety, our awesome staff keep the server clean and safe for everyone!
Everyone is free to talk about their morning, as we have the best Moderation team to make sure nothing goes wrong, and if something were to go wrong- that’s why you got us!

Join us, Friend.

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