
Hub for artists looking to create amazing art for games and film: art resources, feedback, networking, events and more.


Created: May 15, 2023

Members: 2142

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Welcome to Visign!

Our goal is to empower artists to create amazing art for entertainment (games, film, animations and more), through in-depth understanding of art theories and applications – built on a framework of Art Fundamentals, Design and Storytelling.

There is no shortcut to making great art, but we are here to help students and professionals alike to gain clarity on their art journey and career.

Join our community for:
• Art sharing and art feedback at each level: hobby, student or professional artist
• Exclusive Visign resources on Art Fundamentals, Design & Storytelling
• Networking with peers & professionals and career resources
• Art challenges and events hosted by our leading artists
If you’re a Visign student, this is the place to unlock your dedicated course channels for discussions and assignments.

We’re happy to have you on board!

Read the rules when joining to ensure we all have a productive time in our community.

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