Big Scary

Official Big Scary Discord Server

Created: October 05, 2022

Members: 31276

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The Big Scary VR Game Discord server is a lively community hub for fans of the indie horror virtual reality game developed by Axelmatic. This server provides a platform for players to connect, discuss game strategies, share their experiences, and stay updated on the latest developments and updates for the game.

Within the server, members can find various channels dedicated to different aspects of the game, including gameplay tips, bug reports, and suggestions for new features. The community is active and supportive, with players frequently sharing their in-game experiences, offering advice, and collaborating on strategies to overcome the game’s challenging obstacles and terrifying monsters.

Additionally, the server hosts events, competitions, and live streams where players can engage with each other and with the developers. This fosters a strong sense of community and allows for direct feedback and interaction with the game’s creators. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the world of Big Scary, this Discord server is an excellent resource for enhancing your gaming experience and connecting with fellow VR horror enthusiasts.

5/5 - (7 votes)

3 thoughts on “Big Scary”

  1. Have yellow screens,it says I am not banned, I have reset my meta account, the game, and the headset. It suggests I contact devs here.

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