شــــعــب الــزعـامـــة


شــــعــب الــزعـامـــة

Created: August 17, 2020

Members: 1800

Join Discord Server

Creative Thoughts is all about collaborating, sharing, conversation, and more! We have a wide variety of topics however we’re always listening to suggestions from the community.

Seeking a place to share your thoughts & creations? Creative Thoughts is all about collaborating, sharing, conversation, and more! We have a wide variety of topics however we’re always listening to suggestions from the community.

We have events such as:

•Clip Of The Week.
•Discord’s Got Talent.
•One Thing Go(like one joke go, one roast go, etc)
•Discord Bot Games+Quizzes.

And much more games to come shortly!

We also have benefits for our members, such as:

• Suggestions.
• Voting.
• Games.
• Photos & Videos.
• Custom Voice Channels (join to create one)
• Giveaways (once every 2-3 months)
• No-Mic Chat For Voice Chats.
• Separate Music Voice Channels.

So You’re Welcome To Be Part Of Alzaamah Family And Have New Wonderful Friends

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