The For Honor Boys

This is a server solely dedicated to the community of the ubisoft game For Honor, made by the community of For Honor

The For Honor Boys

Created: June 19, 2018

Members: 1738

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Here’s the staff before anything:

The owner and Creator of the FHB, 13bot, who got the server started and rolling right from the start, bringing people that normally wouldn’t join such a large server. He has always brought the neutrality and maturity to every decision we’ve made and has always been a voice of reason while being open to all sides.

Neck The Co Owner of the server, He is a very talkative and dedicated member of the FHB who has been here from 2020 and has taken into the role of helping 13bot from day one, a great leader and a great friend to us all at FHB.

Froggies A staff member of the FHB for 2 years now and has contributed in being the most welcoming member of the FHB and has been the most active user on Voice chats, to help people start talking and having fun while being able to get that next level of communication that connects a bunch of members together

Brats, A previous Co Owner of the Server and has contributed to setting up and helping out with new suggestions the longest standing Staff member on the board

We try our best to make this server a friendly and welcoming place, so come and join! Everything is worth trying once.

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