Acing the Arrows

Welcome the Acing the Arrows, a server for a-spec people to meet people like them, have fun and make friends!

Acing the Arrows

Created: June 22, 2022

Members: 2093

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Hi there! Acing the Arrows is a community for a-spec people to meet people like them and to have fun.

A-spec stands for a-spectrum, which is an LGBTQ+ community that covers the asexual spectrum, aromantic spectrum and agender spectrum.

This community also welcomes allies who wish to know more about the a-spectrum. Keep in mind this server is a safe space so queerphobes will be banned as soon as possible.

This server has a verification system upon entry to confirm you are human to prevent bots. If you do not wish to use the bot for security reasons, please notify a moderator and we’ll manually confirm you are human.

This server has bi-weekly movie nights, and Kahoots from time to time. We are an active community and have bots such as Aki, Truth or Dare and Counting for fun and to get to know each other.

We have bots such as PluralKit for systems and Tupperbox to have fun making a profile picture only viewable on the server, this may be useful for anyone not out yet and who has unaccepting friends or family on Discord.

Thank you very much for reading and please enjoy your stay in Acing the Arrows!

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