Friendly unofficial Reiza support group with daily events in AMS1 and AMS2. Great clean racing and open to all events!


Created: November 17, 2017

Members: 2206

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Good, Fun, Clean Racing is what we are all about! We hold nightly races and Series for AMS and AMS2, Races are open, and everyone is invited!

Community is where the group has been founded. Discord group is ~1000 users and we like to listen to what they want to race.

We have many people tring out all the best mods, and also have some great modders in house also. We share and review AMS mods for the community.

We use the JUSTRACE system to schedule and organise our events, join us there!
No more wreckers. No more empty servers. Simply choose your favourite sim, track and car and get racing. The JustRace systems promote and encourage fair and competitive racing.

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