Anime Corner

The official discord community server of Anime Corner.

Anime Corner Old Server

Created: September 26, 2020

Members: 14581

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About Anime Corner
Anime Corner is an independent media and community platform that aims to bring you the latest news regarding everything anime culture.

Created in 2012 and with millions of followers across its social media profiles, Anime Corner has always been a place for both seasoned veterans and new fans alike. We consistently strive to expand the community of our favorite medium, and we do it by sharing trending news from the industry, interesting highlights from shows, and anything else that is worth showing to the fandom.

We’ve spent the last several years spreading the love for Japan and all things anime to as many people as possible. Our primary objective is to serve as a reliable source of news about anime and Japan.

Anime Corner Polls
Summer 2020 marked the official start of Anime Corner’s poll data. We wanted to make it easier for fans to discover what’s popular, and we decided to do so by allowing them to vote for their favorites on a weekly and seasonal basis, in addition to providing them with results and interesting insights.

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