Apexus Deft

D2 clan

Apexus Deft

Created: November 27, 2017

Members: 6512

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About us:
We’re a large group of relaxed gamers that just want to have fun playing the games we love. Our activity requirements are primarily based on discord voice chat usage so we have one of the most active Destiny 2 discord servers in existence. Our best guess is #2 right now, second to the D2 PC LFG server. During prime US times, we have more active voice users than clans two to twenty times our size.

Casual Divisions:
• Our casual divisions are casual in the sense that there are no skill requirement. Anyone is welcome to join them as long as they’re active and meet the requirements in the Requirements section below, but we do prefer those who want to do end game content. Our Sherpa team teaches raids a several times a week so if you’re new and willing to learn, we’re here to help!

Semi-Hardcore/Hardcore Division:
• Division 1 is our semi-hardcore/hardcore clan. It is invite only and members must go through trials with our Division 1 council members to see if they would be a good fit. They look at your skills and your attitude here. See the #rules section of our discord for exactly what we look for.

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