Here, at Ben’s Server, you can discuss ANYTHING related to Ben’s RNG.
For example: you can check special game-related chat and talk with other members about the game. Don’t know something about it ? We’ve got you covered as well ! There’s a channel where you can ask people about anything that doesn’t seem clear to you about the game. You can also suggest features that have a chance of being added to the game. Experienced a bug ? Well, we’ve got support and bug reports channels as well.
And, of course, you’ll be able to see the news about upcoming updates, developer announcements and get access to leaks simply by joining the server.
Getting tired of just talking about the game ? Don’t worry! there are channels that aren’t focused on gaming aspects only.
Bumped into a problem at our Discord server ? The previously mentioned support channels will help you get your problems solved !
Don’t hesitate and join our server RIGHT NOW!!!