
BinaryX is a GameFi community that offers access to the limitless potential of the RPG Metaverse via Cyber Series & IGO.


Created: November 02, 2021

Members: 103199

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BinaryX is a crypto game platform listed on Binance and Currently, BinaryX is running a game called CyberDragon which we have developed from scratch. BinaryX is a large on-chain online game platform on BNB Chain.

CyberDragon is currently one of the most popular P2E (Play-to-Earn) game globally with huge returns for most of our loyal players. The gameplay includes Mining, PVP, PVE and we have just only recently launched our Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) system. BinaryX is the first game globally to launch DAO, where players have the power to vote and decide the future path and developments of the game.

We recently launched our new game called CyberChess. It’s a free-to-play, play-and-earn auto chess strategy games in the P2E dominant GameFi space.

CyberChess was designed to allow players to start playing the game without having to make an initial investment..with the option for Players to recharge their account with our Gold token to make in-game purchases to summon new heroes and acquire new skills.

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