Calm & Collecting

Calm & Collecting Pokemon Shiny Hunting Community! Family friendly! Pokémon Trades, Union Circles, Tera Raids, and more!

Calm & Collecting

Created: May 21, 2022

Members: 2312

Join Discord Server

This is the Calm & Collecting Community Discord Server. We’re all about Shiny Hunting and Pokemon in general! If you’re looking for a family friendly Pokemon community, you’re in the right place.

Come hang out, show off your shinies, find some trades, do some Tera raids with folks. Whatever flavor of Pokemon you’re into, there are folks here who are also down with it.

Need help getting the Shiny Charm? Have a question about something in a Pokemon game? We have a community with tons of helpful folks who are willing to touch trade or assist with other stuff, feel free to reach out!

Weekly community Shiny Hunting Streams. Make sure to keep an eye out on the Channel Announcements channel for updates!

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