We’ve always been a close knit community since we began this journey. It started out as a passion project, and it turned into something bigger than I could’ve ever imagined. With the server constantly receiving changes, and also with things constantly evolving in terms of how we edit the map and such, we’ve been creating a Unique Dayz experience. Our main goal has to always give the nostalgic vibe of playing Arma 2 Dayz back in the day, the way we remember it feeling. We have implemented new zones for people to toy with, we’ve got AI Dynamically spawning in to make the map feel more alive. We’ve reconstructed certain areas of the map to give it a better vibe. We create our own Dayz Server Lore that fits the profile of what our Server is. Despite issues, we’re always trying to create better Stability in and outside of gaming for the server itself. We have a good understanding that not everyone has 5000+ hours into the game and we have an Admin/Mod team there to help and multiple community members who are always willing to lend a hand and answer questions as well. The possibilities of what you can do and who you can be are entirely endless. All it truly depends on is how creative do you want to be about your gameplay experience within our server. If you’re interested in something different, and you’re interested in a more realistic feel then our Server might be for you! We welcome all New Players, PVE & PVP Players, RPers, whoever you are. All that we ask in return is that you follow the rules for our Discord & In-Game servers and we’ll be square. Thank you for considering Chernarus is Dead! We hope to see you very soon!