Greetings to all the cigar enthusiasts out there,
Here at CigarPage, we have a deep appreciation for the cigar community. We also understand that it’s very difficult to find places in the online social world to kick back with some fellow aficionados and talk shop in real time. That’s why we’ve created a spanking new Discord server, where you can let your hair down, shoot the breeze, and score some truly badass cigar deals.
We’re all about the holy trinity of cigar enjoyment, drinking, and having a damn good time. As a member of our community, you’ll gain access to exclusive discounts on some of the finest stogies around, as well as the chance to swap stories and tips with other hardcore smokers. And if you need expert advice, our seasoned tobacconists are standing by to help.
This server is fresh out of the oven and still piping hot, so why not come on over and join the infinite virtual herf sesh? Let’s get this party started!