Welcome to the Club Mansion Fam,
Thing you need to know:
1. We are like a Big Family we joke around a lot of the time. (if you feel like something offended you please let us know we want your experience to be fun here)
2. We are always on the Phone with each other so if you see us in there jump in say hey dont be shy just fair warn you, you might jump in on a weird conversation lol
3. Us owners want this to feel like home for everyone so if there is a problem please let the owner or any of the staff members we are here to help.
Game Nights
Movie NIghts
Sundays- LapDance event @10Pm Est
IF you want to be notified when we have events go to ‖❃_role-reaction_❃‖ and grab the things you want to be pinged for.
World: https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_daaf59a4-701c-40ff-bb19-5321deb27c6e
Website: https://clubmansion.uwu.ai/#