As this is a project that is so giant, ambitious and underprepared, we decided this project shouldn’t be a normal mod, but a community project at its soul. This means anyone, literally anyone is welcome to join the mod developing. We’re always welcome for more opinions, contributions or even offers to join our team on our Discord, so please give a visit even if you’re not interested in joining.
Our development is done mostly on our Discord, and the latest test versions/pushes are done regularly on GitHub. When we think the conditions for a new version is fit, we’ll upload them on Steam. If you don’t feel like waiting, join our Discord and get to the GitHub to play it ASAP.
We plan to indulge in the Wiki, a Youtube channel and Reddit, please stay tuned if we ever start them up. Thanks for keeping EoaNB as one of your interests, and please do so in the future, we promise to deliver much more than shown above.