FiveEye AntiCheat #VisionX

The Official server for FiveEye, a FiveM anticheat developed to be the best solution against cheaters on the platform.

FiveEye AntiCheat #WeAreFiveEye

Created: April 05, 2022

Members: 10639

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Welcome to the official FiveEye discord server.

We’re an FiveM anticheat developed to be the best solution against cheaters on the platform. FiveEye is a 100% independent anticheat, always at the forefront of technologies and security.

If you are looking for an anticheat this is the best and most suitable solution for every server. is the most effective anticheat on the market, the ideal and complete solution, suitable for every community that wants to grow without obstacles.

⏳ Don’t get left behind! Ensure the security of your server and your players, get advice from professionals in the field.


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One thought on “FiveEye AntiCheat #VisionX”

  1. Good morning. I been trying to find this anticheat and cant find it no where. I tried to join the discord links but its not valid. how i can go about getting the discord or purchase Five eye Anticheat.

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