Forgotten Runes Wizard’s Cult

Forgotten Runes is the most advanced world-building project on the blockchain with a MMORPG & comic book series.

Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult

Created: June 13, 2021

Members: 61611

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Forgotten Runes Wizard’s Cult started as a collection of 10k Wizard NFTs. These Wizards are at the core of our ever growing community, lovingly referred to as the Cult. Since release in June 28th, we’re also seen the introduction of ghoulishly horrifying Souls, elegant Ponies, and mighty Warriors even more NFT collections have been released.

Everyday, our Cult members contribute art, animation, stories, memes, and lore to social media and our one of a kind Book of Lore. The more the Cult creates, the larger the Runiverse becomes. As we say,

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