GG WP Gamers

Welcome! We provide the best game services for World of Warcraft. BMAH/Mounts/M+/Raids/Level Boost/Giveaways and more! ♥

GG WP Gamers

Created: January 29, 2022

Members: 997

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By joining GG WP Gamers you get access to exclusive World of Warcraft related Giveaways. Giveaways include Battle Pets, Mounts, M+ Keys and Raids. We also have boosting channels for dragonflight mythic+ and raiding, Black Market Auction House, Power Leveling boosts & more! Connect with similar fun people using the LFG, guild recruitment and Trading channel. We also feature a WoW Market where people can trade in game items such as TCG/Unobtainable items with others + swap gold on US & EU.

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