Huddleverse: A Mental Health Universe

A world to share your story in a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space. A universe to call home.

Huddleverse: A Mental Health Universe

Created: May 14, 2021

Members: 42831

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Share your mental health experience anonymously.

The fear. The anxiety. The judgement. It is incredibly difficult to reach out, even to loved ones.

That is the reason why Huddleverse was created. We make it convenient for you to access our Discord and Telegram communities anonymously and seek support regarding your mental health experiences.

– Safe, supportive and caring environment
– Diagnosis specific discussion forums
– Excellent moderation team keeping our community safe

Never feel lonely again.

There is no I here, there is only we. We pride ourselves on being inclusive and welcoming to everyone. It does not matter who you are, where you come from, or what background you have. We are all humans, we all have problems, and we are all here to help each other, every single one of us.

Huddleverse is family. And we want you to be part of us.

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