Lifestory is the best NFT project for real estate investors and content creators. NFT ▫ App ▫ VR Metaverse ▫ Web3


Created: March 17, 2022

Members: 23800

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Lifestory is a unique metaverse ecosystem comprised of 5555 planetary NFT micro-metaverses (Lifeverses). Each Lifeverse is completely customizable by its owner from on-the-ground experiences to user-crafted in-ecosystem NFTs.

Anyone will be able to record, display and experience their most precious moments on the blockchain by minting them into the Lifestory ecosystem and traversing throughout their timeline room.

Create your own metaverse free from the content ownership restrictions and censorship commonly found within web2.

Lifestory is a story about you, your brand, or whatever you want it to be.

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