Mazcab Academy

Mazcab Academy is a learner friendly community for Raids. We offer daily raids and the opportunity to learn and improve.

Mazcab Academy

Created: October 29, 2018

Members: 2327

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Mazcab Academy is a learner-friendly Discord community for the Liberation of Mazcab raids. Whether you’re a learner who has never done raids before or an experienced player looking for consistent raids Mazcab Academy is the place for you!

Two raids are hosted every single day at 18:00 and 01:00 Game Time respectively. Their experienced hosts will guide you throughout the kill, teach the boss to learners and answer any questions you may have. Afterwards, the host will give constructive feedback detailing what you did right and what you can improve for the future.

Hoping to learn the fight or any of the roles? Take a look at their guide collection, which covers everything you need to know about raids!

A server ranking system displays which roles you are able to do and tracks your journey from starting as a Young Goebie to becoming a Mazcab Master. For those seeking a challenge, occasional feat runs are hosted to unlock the prestigious Daredevil title.

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