The Monstertech community is comprised of gaming enthusiasts from around the world who use the server to discuss their ideas, projects, and setups. While here they are able to seek help and customer support from MTSIM as well as gain information on shipping times and configurations.
– Desk mounts
– Monstertech offers desk mounts of various types, along with a host of add-ons.
– These are all highly configurable, allowing the user to create the setup they desire.
– The main attachment can be done via the classic clamp setup, or via slide rail.
– Chair mounts
– Monstertech has been making these mounts since 2018, with the offerings continuously updated and expanding.
– Options here are likewise flexible, ranging from an extensive HOSAS setup, a Center joystick with collective, or simply a mouse and keyboard.
– If desired, the mounts and devices can be disconnected, leaving the chair free for other uses.
– Simulation rigs
– For the elaborate setups, Monstertech also offers the MTS, a highly configurable cockpit base.
– It can be set up for flight, racing, space combat, office use, or a combination of these.
– Various elements can be easily adjusted or swapped out, allowing you to change the setup in mere moments.
– Beyond that, there is ample room for customization, allowing one to tailor the cockpit to their needs.
Should the available space be limited, the Flight Stand can also serve as a cockpit base.
– Flight Chairs and Seats
– Monstertech’s flight chairs are handmade in Germany, and designed to be ergonomic and comfortable for long flights.
– They are compatible with various flight control setups and utilize the same customization options.
– Alongside the standard upholstery offerings, officially licensed Star Citizen designs are available.