Native is a gaming community that builds free REWASD configurations for gamers and gamers with physical disabilities making gaming more accessible, allowing PC gamers to have aim assist on mouse and keyboard and controller players to access features otherwise only available to MnK players.
You can enjoy our free configurations without breaking games their rules and do this with the best possible mouse feel.
Besides of configurations we have a loving and supportive community that loves to hangout, play games, share clips & moments inside their favourite games, spend time watching live content and video content and we love chatting with you.
Our support team spread across the globe which allows us to give players 24/7 help with their questions surrounding the games they love and play!
Besides of all of that our community also offers a paid configuration that when off sale includes a legal copy of REWASD so that gamers wanting to try out the features it has to offer for themselves without the need to buy it themselves.
We also offer a free 7 day trial for REWASD and 3 Trial days for extra features so you can try it all out available at https://rewasd.com/
REWASD is a gamepad remapper our community uses for our configurations. The program does not break the games their Terms of Service and allows gamers to enjoy features like Aim Assist on Mouse and Keyboard and advanced movement techniques on their controllers without breaking the game rules!
[Server Rules]
1. Do not discriminate.
2. Do not attack players inside the community.
3. Support your fellow gamers!
4. Be active, the server is actively purged to make sure we have real active people and no fake bots.
5. Pick a game you like and share your favourite moments with the community.
6. Do not engage negatively with official content!
7. Even though supporting our official channels is not required it will massively help us.
8. No server link posting, promotion of paid content, game/software cracking or game exploiting is allowed!