Passive Income NFT Club

The Passive Income NFT Club, PINC in short, invest in certain niches of revenue generating projects or strategies.

Passive Income NFT Club

Created: August 30, 2022

Members: 2583

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We believe in the strenght of compound interest and passive income.

Passive income means investing at the start and earn for a long time. After a certain time you got you return on investment. From that moment all you incoming revenue is completely free: FREE MONEY.

Compound interest means we don’t payout all generated revenue, but always reinvest a part. In that way we have a exponential growing curve.
We create different subdao’s investing in a nice of rewards sharing projects: Casino NFT’s, Miners, microshares, liquidity platforms, ….

Our Genesis Pass is a very exclusive club of early investors who receive the best rewards: free NFT airdops, discounted mints of new dao’s, revenue share of royalties and part of revenue of subdao’s , personal analysis of trading charts (NFT, Crypto, Forex, …), …

Our microshare dao is a cheap entry-level projects, gathering NFT’s of PINC and other strong projects. the DAO gets the rewards of these NFT’s and share them with the holders.

Our Liquidity dao is a low risk, high rewarding, project where we invest in liquidity provinding platforms like LENDING, AMM, … We have a proof of concept of an ROI > 250%

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