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Created: December 22, 2022

Members: 78834

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5 thoughts on “Pawan.Krd”

  1. Hello, i was a user part of this server until very recently when i noticed that the server disappeared from my list without a notification, when i checked i found out that i was banned for some reason.
    I’ve been on the server for several months but in recent time i stopped talking on there so i don’t see a reason why i was banned
    Some of my friends suggest that it is because I’m affiliated to other people that got banned but i would find it a rather trivial reason to ban someone just because he’s friends with someone that is banned from the server.

  2. I was recently banned from the server, along with others for no reason at all. The server overall is terrible, Pawan and Pete do not take the server members opinions seriously, ban people for the stupidest of reasons. In one case they banned someone for simply saying another server they were in was more active than, they REFUSED to ban a pedophile that was harassing a minor in the server and then proceeded to ban the person who reported the pedophile. Mods there are disrespectful (except for one), can call members stuff like “little sh*ts” but when a member says something back they get slapped with a mute, overall the mods are just playing God.

    The server has gone to sh*t with the new automod system, the new mods and pawan’s and pete’s oversensitive ass. For 2 grown men they sure act like 12 year old kids.

  3. I was recently banned from the server, along with others for no reason at all. The server overall is terrible, Pawan and Pete do not take the server members opinions seriously, ban people for the stupidest of reasons. In one case they banned someone for simply saying another server they were in was more active than, they refused to ban a predator that was harassing a minor in the server. Mods there are disrespectful (except for one). Its gone downhill with the new automod system and the new mods

  4. me and a few acquaintances got unfairly banned with no apparent reason. I got strange and very inappropriate private messages from an adult (19 year old) and she continue with her advances even though I told her I was 15. When I reported this to a mod, I got dismissed and told since it was from a private conversation. This person wasn’t kicked out of the server and I was understandingly angry at the mods and expressed my frustration on the main chan. Shortly thereafter, I was kicked out of the server. Also, a few other people got kicked out for apparently being affiliated to a server. Even though they never got into fights, got severe warnings or complained publicly they got banned. Just throwing it up there.

  5. Sadly, not a very kind and welcoming server. It seemed like that the first time I’ve joined, though after spending quite some time things seemed things have gone down hill, users and mods not being so kind as well as people getting banned without given a reason, which could be seen as not professional. People getting banned without reason and mods overusing their authority.

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