Revitalized Gaming

We are a gaming hub to meet gamers from all across the world from all of your favorite gaming titles!

Revitalized Gaming

Created: April 07, 2021

Members: 647

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“99 user opinion” Upon first glance, some would look at this server and assume it’s nothing more than a group of people, getting together, playing video games. But, diving deeper the 99 Gaming Community is so much more than that.
It’s building connections all over the world, making each other laugh, hanging out in a voice channel after a bad day, feeling like you can be yourself without judgement, and rant about whatever you want because you know there’s people that actually care and want to help you. Staying awake till 3 in the morning playing with the same squad you woke up and started a game with, or switching it up playing various games with various people throughout the day. It’s watching movies, being apart of voice channels that go from 2 to sometimes 20 people, there’s calm nights, or what we like to call our party nights, where it’s crazy, and a bunch of people come together, talks and just have a great time! It’s about having fun, knowing we can laugh with each other, and boy do we laugh.. A LOT! It’s embracing individuality while also finding common interests, knowing there’s a place for everyone..
It’s finding like minded people, and feeling that sense of belonging, giving the true meaning that family isn’t always blood. The 99 gaming community is family, from start to finish, through every laugh and struggle they’re always there for one another, together we not only inspire everyone to be their best self, but by doing so in return grow into the best version of ourselves. We hype each other up in our greatest accomplishments, and do our best to help out when someone needs it the most.
So yes, we play video games, LOTS of video games, but to me, that’s only the beginning.. the 99 is like walking into that group of friends you never knew you needed.. finding people who are so welcoming, caring, considerate, funny, supportive, and completely passionate about what they do, and hope to achieve. We are not a support for support, and we don’t give credit to just one person, in here we believe the growth and success comes from each individual person in the community. For when one grows, we all grow. We’re family. In my opinion who could possibly ask for more..

5/5 - (1 vote)

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