Rune Fencer Illyia | Nootbox Games

The official discord channel for Nootbox Games, the developers of Rune Fencer Illyia!

Rune Fencer Illyia | Nootbox Games

Created: August 22, 2019

Members: 1421

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This server is for talking about the upcoming metroidvania Rune Fencer Illyia, as well as engaging with the community about other topics. Get updates on Rune Fencer Illyia, and occasional sneak peeks! This is the community hub, so you can also work on routing speedruns for the demo (or full game when it releases), and helping fill out the wiki. In addition, we talk about topics unrelated to Rune Fencer Illyia, such as gaming, tv and film, or just sharing good vibes! We’re a very accepting community as well, so don’t be shy !

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