Running With Scissors

We develop outrageous games just for the hell of it, and we regret nothing!

Running With Scissors

Created: May 20, 2022

Members: 6404

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This is the Officially ran Running With Scissors Discord server, by the infamous indie game developer of the same name.
Founded in Tucson, AZ in 1996 and now operating from across the world, Running With Scissors is an independent video game studio that develops and publishes outrageous games just for the hell of it.

Our goal is to make action-packed games which are fun, funny and possibly even politically correct. Our games feature wonderfully excessive amounts of violence, however, we are not in favor of real life violence and believe it’s a hell of a lot better to act out your frustrations in video games rather than against your fellow man.

Mostly known for the Postal franchise of games, which spanned countless games, mods, and even a movie of its own during the past 26 years.

It has been constantly hated on, banned in multiple countries, and often criticized by all accounts, but has always been around developing absolute classics throughout the years.

As we say, “It’s always funny until someone gets hurt…
And then it’s absolutely friggin’ hysterical”

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