Salty Noobs

SaltyNoobs is a NA based Battlefield 1 gaming community providing 5 servers in the region.

Salty Noobs

Created: April 09, 2019

Members: 2765

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Our server is all about Battlefield, while we are primarily about Battlefield 1, may of us enjoy every battlefield. We currently have 5 servers in the game:

1: East All Maps – 64 player Conquest
2: East Base Maps – 64 player Conquest
3: West Fragshack All Maps – 64 player Conquest
4: East Deathmatch – 24 player TDM
5: East No SMG08 – 64 player Conquest on Infantry maps.

You can find groups to play with or just hang out in voice every now and then with people who are also playing in our servers.

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