The official server for the Mario & Luigi (ALPHADREAM) fangame: Stellar Bonds! Made by @axelorca & the Stellar Crew ⭐


Created: September 01, 2023

Members: 2737

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**__⭐️ WELCOME!__**
Welcome to the official server for the Mario & Luigi (ALPHADREAM) fangame: Stellar Bonds! Developed by **@axelorca** & the **Stellar Crew** ⭐
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**__❓️WHAT IS IT ABOUT?__**
**Mario & Luigi: Stellar Bonds** is a Mario & Luigi (ALPHADREAM) Fan-Game founded by @axelorca and developed by the **Stellar Crew**. It focuses on Starlow’s Origins as a Star Sprite and the mystery behind the banishment of her long-lost brother, Lunaris, upon the rise of a brand new enemy, Taurion the Taurus, whose goal is to conquer the entire Mushroom System. Embark in a timeless interstellar adventure with both the Mario and Stellar Bros. to save the universe from the Tumult of the Taurus!

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