
Suiet, the best Sui wallet built on Sui Network. Designed for everyone, open-sourced and track nothing.


Created: September 11, 2022

Members: 97133

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Suiet – Official Discord Server

Welcome to Suiet, the premier Sui Wallet based on the Sui Network! This is a hub for all enthusiasts, developers, and newcomers interested in our innovative technology.

Suiet has been designed with an emphasis on accessibility, security, and privacy. It’s an open-source project, ensuring the transparency and integrity of the platform. We respect your privacy – we track nothing!

Our community is diverse and inclusive, filled with people from various backgrounds but united by a common interest in digital currencies and blockchain technology. Here you can engage in enlightening discussions, get the latest updates, and contribute your ideas.

We offer assistance for any inquiries or issues related to Suiet. Our friendly and knowledgeable community members are always ready to help. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, there’s a place for you here.

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