The Beta Days

Welcome to The Beta Days! A welcoming community that provides worth help, giveaways, contests, and trading channels!

The Beta Days

Created: October 23, 2022

Members: 2013

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Welcome to The Beta Days! We are an Animal Jam server that offers a space for both AJC and AJPW users.

We have a tight-knit community, that loves to meet new people, so we encourage you to stop by!

What do we offer?
– A variety of worth helpers for AJC, AJPW, pets, and even shops!
– All sorts of contests, and events such as game night, fashion shows, den contests, art contests, and more!
– A server shop where you can buy some fun roles with currency you earn by simply talking in the server!
– Trading channels and general chats for both games!
– A server pack!

We also offer a staff team that is committed to keeping this community a safe space for all members. We are LGBTQ+ friendly as well.

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