The Big Boys

The server is all about finding fun people to talk to, supportive community and to get immersed and lost in it

The Big Boys

Created: March 16, 2019

Members: 1141

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This server is about finding people of possibly no similar interests, connecting with them and having a great time. The Big Boys could be used as an escape, we’ve had many members come in depressed over something tragic happening and getting better because of the incredible people in the community, as our members get to know and become fond of eachother, The Big Boys is one of if not the best server out there community wise, its so easy to connect with the members which sometimes even surprises us. We got many channels, #questions in which you can ponder life’s biggest mysteries, #pictures where you can post literally anything that you can call a picture and watch members comment about it, #selfie-thing in which you can post pictures of yourself and get the biggest ego boost of your life, #art-channel where you can showcase your artistic abilities and watch members comment about your art, my personal favourite, #gherkins where you can message about your opinion on gherkins, great server inside joke and of course many more. Also if you ever get bored Eel_71 streams friday-sunday ever week to cure your boredom, whacha waiting for? Join noww

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