
Community of TibiaWiki, Tibia.Fandom.com, officially promoted fansite of the MMO Tibia. Get hints & send us suggestions.


Created: January 21, 2018

Members: 3486

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This server was created and is moderated by the staff of TibiaWiki – Tibia.Fandom.com – officially promoted fansite of the MMO Tibia. We’re the oldest and biggest reference site on the game, and we strive to keep it up-to-date.

Here you will find experienced players that may be able to help you out when you’re stuck in a quest or deciding where to hunt, for example.

You can also send us suggestions on info that should be added to the Wiki (or even ask us how you can do it yourself!).

And, of course, feel free to have casual conversations regarding recent game updates, speculations on future changes, or whatever Tibia-related you feel up to talk about.

We hope you will feel welcomed here and have fun with us! 🙂

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