***• Tokyo Onsen – Tokyo Onsen is a Manhwa and Anime based community***
❔ ^‿^ __*What do we have to offer?
*We connect thousands of users globally in discord and Instagram. This is also the home server for anime.officiall community which is globally connected with around 500k people !!*
$120+ worth of monthly nitro giveaways, which include bidding auctions (server currency used), leaderboards where the top 5 members can win $10 Nitro each (the cycle resets daily), weekly giveaways, events, and so much more!
500/500 Anime emotes along with 60/60 stickers Anime stickers, looking for emote and sticker managers
Active chats (10k-15k+ messages a day) with Manhwa recommendations along with the Best Manhwa-related videos to provide you recommendations regarding your favorable Manga and Manhwa genre
Custom Game Bots (1v1 Tic Tac Toe, Type race, Guess the number, Memory game, win and earn Server Currency, Roles, Giveaways and so much more!!^^
This is also the support server for our bot Sizu, which currently has 2.2m+ members in it at this current date(25/12/12)!
*To create an engaging environment for Anime & Manhwa enthusiasts !!*
Tokyo Onsen | Anime • Manga • Manhwa • Emotes
We connect thousands of users globally on discord and instagram. Stay tuned for our upcoming events, gws, and more......