
TsunamiX: https://tsunami.finance/


Created: August 04, 2022

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Swap & trade margin spot with 0% price impact!
Access 20x leverage & low fees on Mantle with liquid sustainable yields only at https://tsunami.finance :TsuWave:

**What does TsunamiX do?**
__For Traders__: TsunamiX provides a way to trade with 0% price impact, known exit liquidity, low funding fees, a low spread, and collateral that grows in value over time.

__For Liquidity Providers__: Our aim is to enable LPs everywhere to participate in a protocol that makes passive liquidity provision truly profitable.

*TsunamiX ensures this vision by creating superior protection for the Liquidity Providers at every in point time. With TsunamiX, LPs can earn passive real yield with less risk and loss than typical AMMs.*

**Why TsunamiX?**
– TsunamiX recognizes many existing problems and presents a solution that delivers the best trading and LP experience.

– Given a world of constantly evolving technology and tradeoffs, we aim to build a product that is extremely easy, fun, and delightful to use from a trader and an LPs perspective.

– We have taken a new model to facilitate trade. One that serves both LPs and traders better than we believe has ever been done before.

– While such a statement is ambitious, if not ludicrous, we are confident we can deliver.

*The **extended** explanation on why you should choose TsunamiX can be found here:*

*Full TsunamiX docs can be found here:*

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