Everything Candy

The Everything Candy server is the hub for Candy Universe comics. Chat with our team of artists, and our fans!

Everything Candy

Created: June 08, 2019

Members: 1926

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The Everything Candy Discord server is the community hub for the Candy Universe. The Candy Universe, or CU, is an indie webcomic project run by a handful of artists which provides free online comics.

Our comics primarily have magical children in various stories, drawn in hybrid styles that combine western art styles and manga styles. All of our comics take place in the same universe, the Candy Universe!

The server hosts our fans and artists, with channels dedicated to specific comic discussions, as well as more open channels for off topic nerd and art chats.

We are open to anyone +13 years old, and none of our comics are explicitly for adults, though some comic series do tackle more mature themes and may not be the best choice for children. To that point, we target an adult audience… but we keep our server clean and safe for children too.

We’re also a multilingual server! We offer our comics in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese. We are working on translating our comics into even more languages, too! All languages are permitted in Everything Candy, though we are primarily an English server.

If you like how this all sounds, please feel free to join!

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